Londyn's Story

Londyn's Story

Spica Week 3: Mama's Rant

We had a few high points like exploring Chicago and going for a few walks while Londyn was content in her stroller, but this week was difficult due to some sickness that came upon my toddler and myself. With a fever and body aches, picking up Londyn in the heavy cast was quite difficult! I am still praying she doesn’t get our illness. I feel like this week some anger over the cast settled in for me. I’ve been working so hard on being positive and having a “we can do this!” attitude. This week, I’m over that, ha, but it may be the sickness talking. Either way, there are some things I want to say to you, spica cast.

Dear spica cast,

I’m sick of your obnoxious neon pink color. It’s week 3 and I’m already seeing prune stains and other marks of wear and tear on you. You’re starting to look shabby, and I wish you wouldn’t hang around like that.

All those times I accidentally burp you or rub you sweetly, that is not meant for you- it’s meant for the beautiful baby you are encasing. You make me mad that you’re coming between us.

The edge of you really hurts when I’m trying to cuddle my baby and you dig into my sternum!

Why are you so heavy? Maybe you should lose some weight.

I am really not a fan of you restricting my daughter’s abdominal expansion so that she spits up way more than she used to. We were past that before you came along, and all the laundry it entails.

I am so looking forward to in a few weeks when we get to have a cast change and bid you farewell.

Maybe in the meantime I should decorate you or otherwise deface your pinkness. It may help me emotionally.

I wish we didn’t have to meet this way. I do appreciate on a small level that you’re doing an important job positioning my baby’s legs correctly for hip development.

Maybe I can muster the courage to say it. . .

Thank you.
