Londyn's Story

Londyn's Story

Spica Week 2: Kindness

This week was a bit of a haze as Londyn was not sleeping well at all. I was operating in survival mode for most of the time. We are still ironing out her constipation issues, though I’ll spare you the details. I found out my diaper bag is the perfect “pillow” for Londyn to be propped on her belly with so I can change her diaper when we are out. We had a rainy, sleepy week, but did manage to make it to the library, a doctor’s appointment, and a friend’s house for a playdate. A high point was getting her follow up x-ray and receiving the news that her femur head is exactly where it needs to be in the cast- driving into her acetabulum to encourage correct bone formation. I didn’t even realize that had the X-ray showed otherwise, we’d have to discontinue the cast and move onto a more invasive method (likely an open reduction). My cousin Gwyn who was helping me with my toddler at the appointment said, “Well I think you have to go from one catastrophe at a time.” I couldn’t have said it better!

I have been humbled and truly grateful for the kindness of others in our community during this time. Women in our church have been bringing us meals every other day and that simple gesture is everything. To not have to worry about dinner is my dream everyday, but especially during a period of adjustment. My friends far away have been calling, texting, sending packages full of cookies or goodies to encourage us. My parents are always willing to FaceTime to distract Grayson so I can tend to Londyn. Even strangers in stores have been kind; like when we were picking out the paint color for our spica chair. The paint girl in Lowes was asking what this project was for, and her face when we told her our baby would be in a full body cast was so compassionate that it made me want to cry. Then there was the mom in the library this morning, watching her toddler look quizzically at Londyn’s cast. When we stood up, the boy took a toy that we were done with and I smiled and told his mom he had been so patient. She said “Oh he’s not always like that, were it not for a beautiful baby holding the toy.” Her purposeful omission of Londyn’s cast was so appreciated. I know it’s obvious, and neon pink, but I try to keep it covered if I can so my public life doesn’t have to be overrun with questions. 
