Londyn's Story

Londyn's Story

Spica Week 1: The Beginning

WHEW, I am so exhausted I barely wanted to write this, but I need to celebrate our victory of one week complete in the spica. My main epiphany that I need to record was that after so many days of dreading this horrific idea of a spica cast, once Londyn was casted and we took her home, it seemed more like my sweet baby just with an inconvenient hard thing on her- not like the cast overtook her whole essence like I was imagining! I am surprised to say in some ways it was not as bad as I thought it would be!

This week was pretty much figuring things out- how she likes to sleep (news flash- she doesn’t!), how she likes to sit up, do tummy time, bathe her, etc. Thanks to some other mommy blogs of babies with DDH, I was able to have some stations set up beforehand that worked seamlessly for Londyn. For instance, we had bought a crib wedge and rolled up some blankets for her bed. Some moms claimed this helped with encouraging any pee/poo to drain down into diaper instead of up into the cast. Knock on wood, we have not had a leaking accident yet. I’ll post the story behind our spica table soon, but that has already been awesome for her to sit in and play with toys. We bought one of those First Years travel booster seats that we have been using to put her at the table with us and feed her. She loves being up with us in all the action. We were thrilled to find out our stroller works with her cast, with just a pillow behind her back. We were able to go to Target and walk around as well as take a few walks around the block which was wonderful to feel like we can do normal things! We are still struggling with getting good way for her to do tummy time- the angles of the cast are awkward for it. She also doesn’t love laying flat on her back for very long, or even the bean bag chairs since she’s reclined. (Also it’s frustrating because she throws all her toys and then I have to keep getting them!)

I have been astounded at how Londyn has dealt with the cast overall. She seems to be completely oblivious to it most of the time. She has been quite irritable the second half of the week but I think she’s cutting a tooth. Another difficulty has been since she won’t sleep through the night, (she wasn’t before the cast either) it’s really tough to cuddle her/ burp her with the cast on in the middle of the night. But we are working out ways to hold her so her upper body can snuggle on our shoulders. Nursing always calms her down so some nights that’s just what I end up doing. We are also trying to help her with some constipation issues, prunes and pears don’t seem to be doing the trick. I also must mention how pleased I am with my sweet Grayson, how gracious he’s been in the absence of attention for him, and how in tune to Londyn’s attitude he is. Today I was changing her diaper and she was not happy. All of a sudden I hear the pitter patter of little footsteps as Grayson runs into the bathroom to grab his step stool, then into the nursery so he can step up right next to Londyn’s face and say “Don’t cry Londyn, be happy!! I’m here!” His sweet innocence and acceptance of everything helps me deal with these tough times too!
