Londyn's Story

Londyn's Story

Spica Week 16: Happy Birthday, Londyn!

Dear Londyn,

How can I put into words the depth of love I hold for you? How can I explain that though I am here to teach you, it is you who has been teaching me this past year? 

Today marks one year since that hazy, precious day we welcomed you into our lives. 365 days and nights of getting to know each other, holding you close, watching you grow, and having the privilege of nursing you. The words “I am thankful for you” come to my mind but fall flat. It is more like, I am humbled and blessed and bowed low to the ground in gratefulness to the God who chose to make me your mother. You have changed our lives in a thousand ways, and all of them for the better.

And so today, we hosted a woodland floral birthday party at a pretty nearby park and celebrated your life. Your party-expert Gram, amazing helper Grampy and I set up the party as a culmination of weeks of planning, Michaels trips, and dreaming. Your Mamaw, Papa and Daddy got you and Grayson fed and ready to party. Our friends arrived and we surrounded you with hearts that admire and love you, flower blooms almost as bright as you, and delicious food. Judging by your million-dollar smile, pudgy arms outstretched to grasp fly-by bubbles, and your excitement after first tastes of cake and chocolate milk, I’d say you had a pretty good day.

In less than two weeks, Daddy and I will take you to the doctor and we will get that purple glitter spica cast cut off of you. You will be free to move as you wish and enjoy swimming and bubble baths and cast-free cuddles. I am so excited for you, love. You will have big things to do, now that you’re a fancy one year old. And we’ll be here every step of the way, cheering you on! 



Party Details:
