Londyn's Story

Londyn's Story

Running Wild!

I have been reminded by some friends that it is high time for a Londyn update! Here’s the beautiful thing about my lack of posting these past few months; hip dysplasia has taken it’s rightful place in the backseat of our minds! While we have all been busy settling into our new home in Virginia after our big move from Wisconsin, Londyn decided she is ready to MOVE! She began walking a few months ago now and never looked back. She had begun walking with assistance (either our hands or her baby doll stroller) before we moved, but once we got settled in here, she took her very first wobbly steps into one of her favorite person’s arms: Grampy! Since then, she has learned to walk all over the house, climb up and down our staircase, pull herself up onto Grayson’s stool, and walk on the uneven ground of our forest backyard or gravel driveway. Just in the last few weeks, Londyn also learned to run! It is so much fun watching her little wiggly run. Grayson is loving having a playmate more up to his speed; the two are often found getting into trouble together these days.

Another amazing point is that due to Londyn’s increased mobility, her constipation issues have completely resolved and I’ve been able to discontinue any medications we were using to help. I just had to add that point for any spica moms reading this, because this issue was a tough one to deal with. Specifically, when Londyn was in her spica, I was positive her terrible constipation issues were from the cast-related immobility. Yet I was constantly met with surprise regarding the severity by our pediatrician who continued to speculate that Londyn had a milk allergy. It was frustrating because my child didn’t need a diet overhaul, she needed to get out of a full body cast (and thankfully, she did, in time!).

The next event on our timeline is an x-ray for Londyn’s hips in just a few weeks, near her second birthday. With DDH, you never know what to expect, but we are hopeful that this x-ray will show still-perfect hips, so our little girl can continue to enjoy running and playing like she should! 

Thanks for following our story!
