Londyn's Story

Londyn's Story

3 Weeks Post Spica: Stronger Every Day

It’s been three weeks since the spica was cut off and yet it feels like it’s been months! It’s amazing how fast you can forget hard things once you are on the other side. Our days have been full of routine, everyday things but a lot of them are new for Londyn now that she’s spica-free. The first few days after the cast was removed she was very floppy and couldn’t sit without help. Her legs were so stiff and sore, and like I mentioned previously, she had some painful areas of skin breakdown. Thankfully within 4-5 days she was acting more like herself and it didn’t take long at all for her to get the hang of sitting unassisted. Within a few days after that, she was moving from her belly up to a sitting postion. It took her awhile to let us help her put any weight on her legs, and she still has a long way to go, but today she was jumping in her exersaucer and enjoying it, so that’s a great sign! She takes her naps and sleeps at night in her Rhino brace, and I’m thankful she doesn’t seem to mind it at all. Sleeping has been rough in general; I think she is so used to waking up uncomfortable with the spica, but I am hoping she starts sleeping better soon. 

We’ve been experiencing lots of little celebrations together as a family since the spica came off. There are so many things Londyn can do now, like swim, take a real bath, wear shoes, swing in a baby swing, wear cloth diapers, sit in her high chair, wear cute outfits, sit in exersaucers, fit in a regular carseat, and my latest favorite, fit in a shopping cart! After so many weeks of having to bring the stroller in stores, I love being able to put Londyn in a cart up by me, and she loves being a part of all the action. We also got to actually weigh her at our latest pediatrician visit! I was so excited to be able to get her weight and length again. It’s the little things!

Something that took me completely by surprise was how Londyn’s personality has really exploded since the spica came off. I am not sure if it’s a combination of her getting older and more opinionated as well, but she is something else these days. She was always a very calm and content baby, even with the spica. But these days she’s sounding the alarm (screaming!) whenever she doesn’t get her way. Maybe this is what having a little drama-girl is like? Grayson was never like this, so it’s new territory for me. I’m constantly checking to see if she somehow got hurt, or if something is pinched in the carseat strap, or if I scratched her when changing her diaper. But no, she just is screaming because she doesn’t feel like being in the carseat right now, and heaven forbid I lay her down to change her diaper! Amidst the drama however, is a boatload of cuteness and sweetness that I cannot even handle. She's waving and clapping and attempting to blow kisses and laughing and hugging and just the most enjoyable person to be around. . . when she’s in the mood, of course. But she is a woman, and I can’t say I don’t understand. 

We’ve had a lot of changes swirling around our family these days, with more on the horizon. Thanks for following our journey!
