Londyn's Story

Londyn's Story

Londyn is Two!

My sweet, beautiful girl, Londyn Eva,

Happy 2nd Birthday!! This year has been so much fun to be your mama. You have grown tremendously in this short amount of time; it’s truly incredible. A year ago, at your first birthday, you were in a spica cast to treat your hip dysplasia, and you had never yet taken a step. Today, you were running around faster than all the other kids, jumping into the sprinkler in our backyard with a priceless smile on your face. You have overcome so much already in your short life; your strength and determination are awe-inspiring.

You requested a bow in your hair this morning as I got you ready and wanted to know when we were going to eat, especially when you saw the bright orange and pink Dunkin Donuts bag on our counter. Once I brought you outside to see your swan party decor, your words were “play first?” as you wiggled out of my arms to go run around. We were blessed today to have all four of your grandparents at your party, your great grandma, and a few wonderful friends. You loved having so much attention and so many people to hug. You shared your toys and sang along with our friends when they sang Happy Birthday to you. You opened your gifts and said “thank you” though it seemed you were the most entertained with the tissue paper from gift bags.

Londyn, as you grow, I am struck by your grace. Your gentleness with everything you do, your profound love for animals, the delicate way you move around a room. And yet, you can also wrestle with your brother and sprint around the house with him when you want to! You are already showing such a sweet and sensitive spirit. Though that may mean you get upset easier than others, you also have an innate sense of others’ sadness, and you don’t hesitate to comfort anyone. The other day I had to go pick you up at the playground because you were hugging someone else’s baby who had fallen down and was crying! Most nights you fall asleep hugging your baby dolls and singing to them. You always get upset on any episode of Daniel Tiger when baby Margaret is upset. “Margie crying!” you exclaim.  I just love your compassion at such a young age. Of course we all laugh at how you feel the need to announce in the middle of one of your tear fests, “Londyn crying! So hard!” 

This year it has also been fun to see your relationships develop with your brother, and daddy and me. You worship the ground Grayson walks on, and he normally lives up to the hype - entertaining you, getting toys out for you, telling you how to do anything and everything. You two are inseparable most days, and it’s a joy for me to see. Your favorite thing to do with Daddy lately is say “baby Londyn” in a little quiet voice so daddy will pick you up, hush you, and cuddle you. Of course you and I have all day together, so I get lots of cuddles, which I soak up. My favorite times are the evenings when you still let me rock you in the rocking chair and sing you songs before bed. Most nights you sit straight up in my lap to sing all the songs with me; you know almost every word to the songs we sing! 

I could go on, but Londyn, my new two year old, in short - we love you so much. You light up any room you walk into, and you certainly light up our family. Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Love, Mommy 

Invitations: Emma Smith Event Stationery

Garland: Glam Fete

Swan Photo Booth Props: JoJoDigitalStore

Watercolor balloons: Balloon and Paper

Swan graphics: Chen Studio

Balloon cake topper: Steph Shives Studio

Favors: Melissa & Doug

Floral Arrangements: Thanks Mom!

Photography: Thanks Kyle! 
