Spica Kid:
HomE Life

Spica Kid: 
Home Life


 Straps to secure your child to a kitchen chair or trike

 Bed rails for safety 

Spica Chair, like the beautiful ones made by Ivy Rose.

 Some parents have had success with this desk/chair for their spica kid

Lots of pillows for comfortable positioning and wedge pillows for sleeping


Here are some activities parents have used to keep their spica kids busy!

- Face painting

- Workbooks

- Reading

- Play Doh

- Crafts

- Puzzles

- Playing Wii Sports

- Building Legos

- Board games

- TV, tablet, games

- Getting out of the house once a day

- Hitting whiffle balls out of a wagon

- Water table or kinetic sand with a trash bag and towel over the cast

- YouTube wheelchair aerobics for kids
