Spica Parent's Name:
Spica Baby's Name:
Spica Baby's Age When He or She Was First Casted:
15 months
Weeks In The Cast:
Favorite Spica Journey Memory:
A small park near our house had a handicap swing that worked perfectly with Quinn's cast and the look of pure joy on her face as she was swinging is something I will never forget. It is one of her favorite things to do.
Biggest Lesson Learned:
It is comforting to know that after going through our hip journey, as a family we can get through anything life throws at us. It has made us a stronger unit. Quinn is capable of anything.
What Do You Wish You Knew:
It isnt as bad as I thought it was going to be. It obviously was not fun but the months flew by. We were still able to go out and do most things that we were already doing. Also, once you figure out diaper changes everything else is a breeze.
Favorite Gear or Must Have Item:
Spica cast table was a must. Quinn used it at her daycare and it was a life saver. Poise pads for overnight sleeps. Summer infant umbrella stroller. Diono Radian carseat. Pillows of every size.
Final Thoughts or Advice:
Kids are resilient. You'll be amazed at how quickly they adjust. This journey was so much harder on my husband and I than Quinn but we made it through. Three hours after her surgery Quinn smiled at me and I knew in that moment that we would be ok.