Spica Parent's Name:
Spica Baby's Name:
Spica Baby's Age When He or She Was First Casted:
18 months
Weeks In The Cast:
Favorite Spica Journey Memory:
The day Kaitlyn learned to 'army' crawl and walk in her casts - she was one determined little girl.
Biggest Lesson Learned:
How strong/resilient myself my partner and Kaitlyn are.
What Do You Wish You Knew:
What DDH was and what the different treatments are. Nappy changes. Carrying Kaitlyn whilst in cast. Where to get support and advice from.
Favorite Gear or Must Have Item:
Bean bag, travel highchair, stroller and Maxi Cosi Opal HD car seat.
Final Thoughts or Advice:
Take everyday as it comes, some days will be harder than others. Your hippy child will surprise you with how well they adapt to casts etc.