Spica Parent's Name:
Spica Baby's Name:
Spica Baby's Age When He or She Was First Casted:
15 months
Weeks In The Cast:
Favorite Spica Journey Memory:
The endless amounts of smiles and laughter Kacey showed every day. She constantly wanted to give everyone hugs over and over again! I also loved seeing her siblings become so accustomed to helping fulfill her needs.
Biggest Lesson Learned:
You can only prepare so much! Most of the things I prepared to do, didn't even work out! I learned to take care of the cast and everything that came along with it in a way that worked best for us!
What Do You Wish You Knew:
That it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and the time flew by! I thought she was going to be so angry the whole time... I was wrong! She was so happy during the entire process! We definitely had more happiness than tears!
Favorite Gear or Must Have Item:
Spica Chair (we made our own)
First years on the go booster seat
Little tikes 4 in 1 Tricycle
Final Thoughts or Advice:
Take it one day at a time and everything else will fall into place! Kids are amazing and the way they adapt is incredible! It was joyous to watch how proud of herself she was when she learned to do new things in the cast like crawl, climb stairs, and even stand. The hardest part was constantly keeping Kacey entertained! We did lots of reading over and over again which ended up really increasing her vocabulary! :)