Spica Parent's Name:
Spica Baby's Name:
Spica Baby's Age When He or She Was First Casted:
5 months
Weeks In The Cast:
Favorite Spica Journey Memory:
It only took 3 days and James was already unbothered by the cast! He loves music, and watching him bang his hands on his cast and still try to dance by rocking his upper body back and forth with a huge smile warmed our hearts!
Biggest Lesson Learned:
Boy, are babies adaptable! I was so worried he'd be miserable for 12 weeks, but he's all smiles all the time.
What Do You Wish You Knew:
Everything will be fine, and that the hospital would rent out a carseat to us for free. I stressed so much about how we were going to afford one but that was unnecessary.
Favorite Gear or Must Have Item:
The modified Bumbo!
Final Thoughts or Advice:
Take it day by day. "Inch by inch, it's a cinch. Mile by mile takes a while." And take lots of pictures!