

Spica Parent's Name:

Betsy Burnett, creator of the Spica Tables/Spica Chairs/Spica Gear - DDH - Buy/Sell/Donate - USA Facebook group

Spica Baby's Name:


Spica Baby's Age When He or She Was First Casted:

6 months

Weeks In The Cast:


Favorite Spica Journey Memory:

Getting her cast off after only 6 weeks!  I loved having her legs and tummy back; I joined her in the tub for bath time for a week!

Biggest Lesson Learned:

Looking back, I worried too much before her surgery/cast.  Spica babies are so adaptable and resilient - they will amaze you!

What Do You Wish You Knew:

Thanks to local "Hip Moms" the various Facebook groups, and Natalie Trice's book, Cast Life, I felt very prepared.

Favorite Gear or Must Have Item:

HIP STIX were a tremendous help for diapering.  

We were also fortunate to have a spica table and custom counter height chair, both were made by local "Hip Dads" and passed along to us.

Final Thoughts or Advice:

The love and support in the Hip Dysplasia/DDH community is amazing; your feelings will always be understood and you'll never be alone. 

Not only are our spica babies resilient, spica parents are too.  You can do this, I promise! 

If there's anything I can do to help you, feel free to reach out via Facebook or Bridget can help connect us.
