Spica Parent's Name:
Spica Baby's Name:
Spica Baby's Age When He or She Was First Casted:
6 months
Weeks In The Cast:
Favorite Spica Journey Memory:
Getting the cast off :-)
Biggest Lesson Learned:
After having two girls with hip dysplasia both diagnosed at different ages, Summer was in the cast at 3 years and Daisy was in the cast from 6 months. Early diagnosis is key.
What Do You Wish You Knew:
Other parents going through same problem, because I felt so lost and alone.
Favorite Gear or Must Have Item:
For Daisy, it was a baby bouncer and with Summer it was a large pram. Both must haves.
Final Thoughts or Advice:
It's honestly harder for the parents than the child as they adapt, and to see my 6 month old dragging that cast around was amazing, nothing stopped her. Your child will be fine. The earlier the diagnosis the better.